Friday, 23 July 2010

Toy Story 3!

I watched Toy Story 3 in 3D. Toy Story was one of the great films of my childhood, and I was so excited when I found out that they were bringing out another one. It was amazing, the 3D was ace! The glasses were a rip off though, but next time I go to see another 3D film, I get a discount off my ticket for reusing the glasses, so it was sort of worth it. It’s not like the red and green cellophane surrounded by a vaguely glasses-shaped piece of cardboard anymore, gone are the days of miscoloured dimensions, now we have sunglasses. I actually think they’re pretty stylish too, but what do I know? The glasses were a thrill, I was dubious at first, “No red? No green? They must be mad! What kind of Universe do they think we're living in?”, but they were not mad. They worked, and I could watch a 3D film which contained the full range of the visible light spectrum!

So, the glasses were cool, and the film was brilliant too. It was funny and didn’t ruin the Toy Story reputation for me, unlike other sequels I could mention (Shrek 2 - dire, Shrek 3 - an abomination that actually made me angry, which is hard. (It’s not hard, but the film was excessively bad). The only thing that stopped me getting out of my seat and throwing popcorn and small children at the screen which was so offensive to me, was the fact that I was with friends and the dronkeys were cute. I’m not going to watch the fourth one for fear of setting myself on a violent rampage, plus I wouldn’t be able to relinquish the grudge fully enough to bring myself to watch it. I digress). So, yeah, it was cool.

I know what you’re thinking, “finally, a blog post that wasn’t composed of just anger” I thought I’d branch out, who knows, maybe it’ll stick! It probably won’t though, sorry, I’m an angrily natured being and it takes a lot (of bright primary colours or shiny things) to make me anything other than angry.


  1. Not seen it yet, [sadface] I wonder how the glasses work :D

  2. I have thought about this, and I think they focus your eyes just past the image which is sortof doubled up, so the two images come together. Sort of like that Magic Eye thing.

    I spent the first ten minutes of the adverts wondering that before I dreamt that up, but it's probably wrong. >.< (Y) [isn't sad or anything]
